I have been studying Bharata Natyam for over 15 years and did my primary training in Bharata Natyam under direct guidance of guru Smt. Madhoerie Jagmohan, who introduced this style of dance art in Suriname. Smt. Madhoerie Jagmohan’s learning was through the late guru Smt. Rajamani from Bangalore who introduced this style of dance art in the Netherlands in the nineteen seventies. Smt. Rajamani got her training from the famous guru Kittappa Pillai from Madras, a direct descent from the Pillai brothers from the reknown Tanjore kwartet.
My first appearance was at my official initiation ceremony as dancer (Arangetram) on May 26, 2001. From June till September 2003 and February till April 2005 I studied at the Ponnaiya Lalitha- kala Academy under guidance of smt. Padmini Rao. Smt. Padmini Rao has numerousnational and international titels to her credit of this particular style of dance. She also got her training from the famous guru Kittappa Pillai from Madras. I also learns talam of the mridamgam Maestro Vidwan S.V. Giradhara. Since my initiation ceremony I have taken dance to be my calling especially since there seemed to be a genuine interest in the Surinamese society for this dance art. This interest includes not only the learning of this art form but also the enjoyment by way of stage performance. Presently I am living in the Netherlands. In my daily profession as costume designer I provide designs and other artful guidance at several cultural events. My profession also helps me to enhance the Bharata Natyam experience since I designs the costumes for my performances.